Monday, July 9, 2012

I thought I was paying attention!

I really did. I honestly thought that I was doing it all right, but alas, I was not. I have been tatting the Spinning Wheel pattern and it's been acting more like a bowl and not laying flat, I could NOT figure out what I was doing wrong! Well, I figured it out this morning! I was looking at the Tat-ilicious blog and saw hers and realized as I was looking at it that I've been missing 4ds- on my chains between the three rings! It's supposed to be ring, 4ds-4ds-4ds and I was doing ring 4ds-4ds! HOW COULD I MISS THAT?! I'm nearly done, so I'll still finish it and perhaps turn it into a little bowl? I feel so stupid! Well, it was good practice though. :-)

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