Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Off to a Good Start!

I DID IT!!!! I started another snowflake last night in size 20 thread and it took! I started it knotless (should have been doing that before) and I got around the first point of the snowflake! It's another one from Jon's Elegant Tatted Gems book. Hopefully the rest of the snowflake turns out as well as it has so far! Here's my progress so far.

I'm hoping to get beyond the second point tonight. My progress seems to be a little over a point a night, I'd LOVE to be able to do WAY more than that! With time I suppose. I also wonder about how tight my tatting is. It doesn't feel tight when I'm doing it. In any craft I do I seem to have really good tension, but on the last snowflake I did I couldn't weave in the ends because I couldn't get a needle through my stitches! I don't know. Without someone around who tats (and I don't know anyone IRL), I don't know how I'm doing really. Time will tell. :-)

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